
Call Us
+91 9833213360

General Dentistry

  • Consultation
  • Treatment planning:

    The idea is to give you a solution to your immediate dental problem as well give an overall view of your oral hygiene so as to prevent causing further damage .

  • Radiographic investigations:

    Gone are the conventional X-ray films.. we use the best available technology of digital x-rays for confirmation of our diagnosis.

  • Tooth cleaning and polishing:

    This will make sure that your teeth as well as your gums are healthy . It is recommended by us that you get it done every 6 months. Contrary to popular opinion, tooth cleaning DOES NOT lead to weakness in your teeth and gums.

  • Patient education regarding oral hygiene:

    Instructional video showing proper brushing and flossing technique prevents progress of further decay in your mouth. This might also lead to lesser dental issues ;in turn reducing the need to visit the dentist!

+91 9833213360

Monday - Saturday: 10 Am - 9 Pm


Drop Us a Line anytime.